How to Finish Strong

From his earliest memories, Joe Jackson dreamed of playing in the National Football League and being somebody great, a champion. But growing up in a family of seven in a Cincinnati suburb during the turbulent times of the 1960s, it didn’t look promising. It took hard work, discipline, and good coaching to become a champion in the world’s eyes in the NFL. But the most significant change didn’t take place on a football field, but in his heart when he gave his life to Jesus Christ. Only then did his dream of playing in the NFL and the Super Bowl become a reality.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!

Walking South City

A journey through historic St Louis neighborhoods with writer Jim Merkel.  In his book about a 45-mile walk around St. Louis’s South Side, Jim crafts a thorough depiction of the quirks and gems of the area. Grab your walking shoes, follow along, and get ready to look at South City in a way you never have before.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!

Biblical HR

Ever feel like you want to be more equipped in using your faith in God to help manage workplace situations? Join me as I talk with Brett Billups about his book “Biblical HR”. With practical steps strengthened by scripture, you can gain confidence for navigating through common workplace concerns.
Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM.
In case you miss the show, listen here:
If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me at: [email protected], and you might just become my next guest!

The Rocks Cry Out!

Bill Barnes of The Rocks Cry Out! Ministry, shares geological proofs of a worldwide flood, and the Tower of Babel, defending Biblical history through fossil records. Rocks and fossils with plan and purpose.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!

Fire In His Bones

After ministering at pastors’ conferences around the world with his father, David Wilkerson, Gary Wilkerson continued God’s vision to strengthen and encourage pastors in the Lord with the “Fire in Our Bones” conferences. He also has a new book out called Fire in His Bones: A Collection of the Fifty Most Powerful Sermons of David Wilkerson. Gary is President of World Challenge and hosts a podcast to address the tough questions that trip up many believers. His father, David founded Teen Challenge. Hear Gary’s story, today on Encounter.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!

“I’m Glad God Made Me A Girl”

You may feel angry, ashamed, bewildered, and adrift when you face the reality that someone you love has announced they are gay or transgender. What do you do? How do you act? What can you say?

Denise Shick, whose own father told her he was a woman trapped in a man’s body, knows what it’s like to feel the awkward, hopeless feeling of betrayal. As we empty ourselves of deep disappointment and heartache, God meets us in our hurts.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!

K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry

Launched in August 2008, the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry is a national human-care ministry embracing the unique, calming nature and skills of purebred Golden Retrievers. The LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs are a bridge for compassionate ministry, opening doors for conversation about faith and creating opportunities to share the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!

The Challenge of Change

Bishop Raphael Green, founder and pastor of Metro Christian Worship Center in South St. Louis City, talks about the Lord’s unique calling for our lives and the inner struggle of following Him. Find out how to be transformed into a godly servant-leader.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!

Fostering Youth Mental Health

From 2009-2021 American High School students who said they feel “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26% to 44%. Lutheran High School South Counselor Jennifer Haines joins us today to discuss the causes of this trend and ways to mitigate it in the youth in your life.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!

The Pro-Abortion Kristallnacht

The militant activist group “Jane’s Revenge” takes aim at a Christian-based pregnancy center. We speak with Dr. James Harden, CEO of CompassCare of Buffalo NY, about the June 7 attack.

Encounter Show airs every Tuesday on KSIV radio, Bott Radio Network – St. Louis. Locally on 91.5 FM, 1320 AM & 95.9 FM or listen anytime at;

If you have a story that you would like to share, contact me here and you might just become my next guest!